JR High: Thoughts and Slide Shows

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Wow. That trip was just plain awesome. Below are 5 slide shows, showing all the pictures that were taken with my camera. I say it that way because many times my camera got passed around by everyone, so many pictures were taken by different youth.

Our missioners were: Mary Sarah Komar, Madelon Kneece, Alexa Breeland, Ben Horst, Mile and Ellis Reese, Samuel Miller, Austin Lewis, Winston Collins, Hope Komar, and Steve McMillan. We served the Augusta community with other youth and adults from Greenville, Spartanburg, Rock Hill, Atlanta, and Augusta to total about 60 people. It was amazing to watch all these people come together to form a tight community almost overnight. Youth who didn't know each other Friday morning acted like best friends by Saturday morning.

The scripture for the trip was Matthew 9:35-38

35Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (NIV)

We had lessons and small group discussions based on this passage. If you get the chance, ask one of the youth what they remember from the scripture and small group discussions. They may even be able to recite the passage! The themes we discussed were compassion, helping those less fortunate, preaching the Good News, be living examples of the Gospel, bringing in the harvest, shepherds in our lives, and others.

We sang a bunch of great songs, and a couple may be permanently burned into my memory because the youth sang them spontaneously everywhere we went. On Sunday evening, we went to a minor league baseball game and nearly took over the place (we accounted for the vast majority of those in attendance!).

One of the neatest experiences of the weekend was the opportunity to walk the labyrinth at Good Shepherd. I, personally, have walked labyrinths before, but for many youth and adults, it was their first experience. They were very open to the experience, and everyone had a very positive experience. The Christian faith has a very strong labyrinth tradition, but it is going through a revival of sorts. It is a walking prayer tool that helps you focus on God and open up to Him. It can be very powerful. I highly recommend seeking out a labyrinth experience!

This was a great introductory mission experience for Junior High youth. Abi White Moon at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church did a phenomenal job of pulling the whole thing together. She is heading off to seminary, but she has laid a strong foundation there in Augusta, and I can't wait to take my group back. Thank you Abi, and thank you Home Works.


Monday. = Work Day!

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Today we worked. We worked hard. Really hard. I am so proud of these youth, and you would be amazed if you had watched them. They never complained. They worked stead with appropriate water breaks. They laughed and giggled, had a great time, but didn't let it slow them down either. I think we may actually finish the homes tomorrow! I know my home, Mrs. McKinnie's, is really close. The group at Augusta Urban Ministries finished by lunch and joined us at the two work sites.

Samuel had been itching to paint, and he finally got his chance. He painted like there was no tomorrow! He was like Michael Jordan with his tongue out. Everyone had great energy, and were so into the work that they would work all week on the home if we let them. We are painting tomorrow for a couple of hours, but I think it was Mary Sarah who asked if we could do more for Mrs. McKinnie. The home needs so much more than just paint, so we will find out what else HomeWorks may be doing with her in the future, if anything. Then we'll see what kind of follow up and continuation we can be a part of.

We were treated to ice cream with an hour left in the day, and that helped us finish strong. We came back to the church, got cleaned up, rested, ate pizza, sang, played games, had a lesson, discussed the trip in small groups, and we are finished the night off with Evan Almighty.

Thanks a million thanks to Hope Komar and (Speedy) Steve McMillan. They are awesome, and they were such great chaperones. Here are some pics to check out:

Sunday: Re-Creation

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Hey there folks,

Today was worship and re-creation. We went to the 7:45am service and drastically impacted the average age of attendance. For Sunday School we had a sing-a-long time, which was really cool. We then headed into the gym for some games: Ships and sailors, gorilla man gun, and kickball. Lunch was served, and then swimming was canceled due to inclement weather. So the youth hung out, played card games and stuff.

We then took the group to a minor league baseball game and much madness insued! We got hotdogs, popcorn, drinks, and free hats! How cool! A few kids caught foul balls, and then another storm moved in...so we had to run for the cars and buses! It really was a lot of fun, and it was good to have a day or rest and play.

Tomorrow we head back to our work sites to knock out some painting. Hopefully, we'll finish the homes up. For now...here are some pics to check out from the day:

Fri and Sat in Augusta

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Hey there folks,

First, I must apologize. I called my wife when we got to Augusta, but I did forget to send an email to or call one of you parents. And the kids knew we would be limiting their cellphone usage, and apparently, they were obedient with regards to this rule! Amazing! But I do apologize. We are here and we are safe!

Friday night was quick and fun. We arrived, unpacked, got acquainted, watched some safety videos (very funny stuff), had a lesson (by Rev. Mary Catherine Enockson), met our work groups, worshiped, and hit the hay. It is a great community that we have for sure. We have 39 youth, with nearly 60 people total.

Saturday, we woke up at 6:15am...can you believe it?!? We were all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for breakfast. We were treated with some great yummies. Rev. Joseph Smith lead a lesson and then we had some brief small group time to reflect.

We split into three groups: one working at Ms. McKinnie's home, one at Mr. Richard's home (I think), and the third at the Augusta Urban Ministry. The groups were split up randomly, while keeping some familiar faces in each group.

I was in the group at Ms. McKinnie's home (so at this point, I only have pictures of that work site). We scraped paint and washed the siding. That took the whole morning and some time after lunch. After that we began priming the home. We still have some priming to do, but we are well on our way to having the home painted by Tuesday morning.

It is a humbling experience to put your own sweat and hard work into improving the quality of life of a person less fortunate. I think many of the youth were surprised at how bad of shape the home was in. In many ways it is like putting a bandaid on a gushing artery. But our presence is important, and even though there are other issues to address, it makes a huge difference to a person when their home's appearance is improved (paint also protects wood from the elements). It lifts their mood and spirits, and can have a huge impact on how they approach life.

There were many other lessons learned, and lots of hard work performed. This is a great mission trip in that they are not only providing a service, but they are learning about why we do mission, and why we have work trips. We are also having fun. There are hand prints painted on the backs of shirts, and even paint on faces. The food has been phenomenal. The people have been soooo hospitable. I will probably write a dissertation at some point about everything, but only so much can fit in one blog post!

Tomorrow is re-creation day. We will worship, we will sing, we will play, we will eat, we will swim, we will partake in a minor-league baseball game, and more worship and lessons. Hopefully, I will post again tomorrow night, so it will be waiting for you Monday morning. Here's some more pictures...(check out the end day pic of the home...the beginning pic is above)

Thanks again for letting me borrow your kids. They are awesome! They are cool! We are blessed to have such great youth associated with St. John's. I am very proud to take them out into the world to explore living in the way of Jesus.


SR High Packing List

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Hey there gang,

An itinerary for each Sr. high trip will be released soon. This is a packing list for both SR High trips:

Wear work clothes, t-shirt, shorts and sneakers or work shoes
1 pair of long work pants
safety goggles/glasses and gloves
No sports bras or other inappropriate work clothing
Water Bottle
Sports wear for Tue. afternoon soccer/softball/tennis activities
Bathing suit
shower shoes or flip flops
Casual wear for the evening
rain coat
Sleeping bag (or sheets), pillow, and air mattress (or cot)
3 towels and wash cloths
Insect repellent
a hat
Minimal spending money is needed (approx. $20). Team members usually purchase a gift for the homeowner upon completion of the repairs.

Notes and Tips:
Determine whether you are current with regards to your tetanus shot
Lunch, snack, water and Gatorade are provided
If possible, bring a paint brush
if you bring any tools, please label them
No tape players, compact disc players, ipods, or cell phones at the work site
Bring a musical instrument if you play one, such as a guitar
spend time, sit and chat with the residents of the home

Jr High Packing List and Itinerary for Augusta

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This is our Jr High trip to Augusta, GA: June 20-24

Friday, June 20

3pm Arrive at St. Johns
3:30 Depart St. John's
5:00 stop for dinner (covered by St. John's)
6-6:30 Arrive at Good Shepherd in Augusta

Tuesday, June 24
11:30am Lunch
1pm Depart from Augusta
2:30 Arrive back at St. John's

Remember to pack these things:
Air Mattress
Shower Shoes and Shower Stuff
Towels (for swimming and showering)
Swim Suit
Sheets or sleeping bag
Work Shoes (must be close toed)
Appropriate Sleeping Attire
Water Bottle
T-shirts and shorts to work in
Positive Attitude
Safety Goggles or glasses for work site
$1 or more for offering at church on Sunday
You will stay on the Church Campus for the entire event (except for group outings)

Remember to leave these things AT HOME:
Cell phone (you can live without it for 4 days)
Electronic games