Jr High Augusta 09
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Hey there folks!
We are having a great time in Augusta! We are working hard, having fun, singing, worshiping, making new friends, and so much more. The entire group is nearly double what it was last year. There are about 90 youth and adults from 15 churches and 5 denominations. We account for 10 youth and 3 adults.
We are split up into 5 work sites. One is scraping and painting, one is cleaning a house and storage building, one is landscaping and cleaning, one group is at the food bank, and I just can't remember the last one...sorry! The kids are representing St. John's well. They are working hard and having a great time doing it.
Let me tell you a little bit about where I am working. I am heading up Mrs. Patterson's home. She is 86 years old and she has lived in the same house since she was 3! She still drives and she is such a happy and sweet lady. The house needs not only paint, but a few repairs as well.
Below are some pics. There's even a rare shot of Bellinger that is just great! Her smile just beams. Check them out:
Ann Ruderman and Steve McMillan. Our fearless duo!

Winston running for a seat in a game.

Mrs. Patterson's home.

Mrs. Patterson

Austin, Connor, and Samuel waiting for lunch.

Allie, Mary Kate, and Bellinger waiting for lunch.

Wilson and Wells ripping out a ceiling.

Wells helping install some soffit board.

The girls in a game of Ships and Sailors

Winston, Austin, and Patrick in Ships and Sailors


Bellinger's beautiful smile!!! Yay!
We are having a great time in Augusta! We are working hard, having fun, singing, worshiping, making new friends, and so much more. The entire group is nearly double what it was last year. There are about 90 youth and adults from 15 churches and 5 denominations. We account for 10 youth and 3 adults.
We are split up into 5 work sites. One is scraping and painting, one is cleaning a house and storage building, one is landscaping and cleaning, one group is at the food bank, and I just can't remember the last one...sorry! The kids are representing St. John's well. They are working hard and having a great time doing it.
Let me tell you a little bit about where I am working. I am heading up Mrs. Patterson's home. She is 86 years old and she has lived in the same house since she was 3! She still drives and she is such a happy and sweet lady. The house needs not only paint, but a few repairs as well.
Below are some pics. There's even a rare shot of Bellinger that is just great! Her smile just beams. Check them out:
Ann Ruderman and Steve McMillan. Our fearless duo!
Winston running for a seat in a game.
Mrs. Patterson's home.
Mrs. Patterson
Austin, Connor, and Samuel waiting for lunch.
Allie, Mary Kate, and Bellinger waiting for lunch.
Wilson and Wells ripping out a ceiling.
Wells helping install some soffit board.
The girls in a game of Ships and Sailors
Winston, Austin, and Patrick in Ships and Sailors
Bellinger's beautiful smile!!! Yay!
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