JR High: Thoughts and Slide Shows

Posted in By St. John's-Shandon Youth Page 0 comments

Wow. That trip was just plain awesome. Below are 5 slide shows, showing all the pictures that were taken with my camera. I say it that way because many times my camera got passed around by everyone, so many pictures were taken by different youth.

Our missioners were: Mary Sarah Komar, Madelon Kneece, Alexa Breeland, Ben Horst, Mile and Ellis Reese, Samuel Miller, Austin Lewis, Winston Collins, Hope Komar, and Steve McMillan. We served the Augusta community with other youth and adults from Greenville, Spartanburg, Rock Hill, Atlanta, and Augusta to total about 60 people. It was amazing to watch all these people come together to form a tight community almost overnight. Youth who didn't know each other Friday morning acted like best friends by Saturday morning.

The scripture for the trip was Matthew 9:35-38

35Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (NIV)

We had lessons and small group discussions based on this passage. If you get the chance, ask one of the youth what they remember from the scripture and small group discussions. They may even be able to recite the passage! The themes we discussed were compassion, helping those less fortunate, preaching the Good News, be living examples of the Gospel, bringing in the harvest, shepherds in our lives, and others.

We sang a bunch of great songs, and a couple may be permanently burned into my memory because the youth sang them spontaneously everywhere we went. On Sunday evening, we went to a minor league baseball game and nearly took over the place (we accounted for the vast majority of those in attendance!).

One of the neatest experiences of the weekend was the opportunity to walk the labyrinth at Good Shepherd. I, personally, have walked labyrinths before, but for many youth and adults, it was their first experience. They were very open to the experience, and everyone had a very positive experience. The Christian faith has a very strong labyrinth tradition, but it is going through a revival of sorts. It is a walking prayer tool that helps you focus on God and open up to Him. It can be very powerful. I highly recommend seeking out a labyrinth experience!

This was a great introductory mission experience for Junior High youth. Abi White Moon at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church did a phenomenal job of pulling the whole thing together. She is heading off to seminary, but she has laid a strong foundation there in Augusta, and I can't wait to take my group back. Thank you Abi, and thank you Home Works.
