Sunday: Re-Creation

Posted in By St. John's-Shandon Youth Page 0 comments

Hey there folks,

Today was worship and re-creation. We went to the 7:45am service and drastically impacted the average age of attendance. For Sunday School we had a sing-a-long time, which was really cool. We then headed into the gym for some games: Ships and sailors, gorilla man gun, and kickball. Lunch was served, and then swimming was canceled due to inclement weather. So the youth hung out, played card games and stuff.

We then took the group to a minor league baseball game and much madness insued! We got hotdogs, popcorn, drinks, and free hats! How cool! A few kids caught foul balls, and then another storm moved we had to run for the cars and buses! It really was a lot of fun, and it was good to have a day or rest and play.

Tomorrow we head back to our work sites to knock out some painting. Hopefully, we'll finish the homes up. For are some pics to check out from the day: